Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Henri Fayol Principals Essay Example for Free

Henri Fayol Principals Essay Principle 1: Division of work According to Fayol’s principle one of management, division of work, he proposed that â€Å"work can be performed more efficiently if it is divided into smaller elements and assigning specific elements to specific workers† (Rodrigues 2001, p. 880). Contrary to this principle, workers might get bored of doing the same task. For instance in a factory, work is divided into many parts where each of the worker is responsible for a specific task. Eventually these workers will be proficient in their job, where it will become a routine work. However, if they were to continue to perform the same routine task over a very long period of time, they might lose interest or become too complacent. They are not being challenged or made to encounter new or different situations during the job. Thus, this does not create opportunities for them to develop new skills. Employees need to be exposed to job opportunities so that they will be able to pick up new skills, and not just focusing on a specific task. If these employees are given the opportunity to develop new skills, it will give them a sense of importance and belonging in the organisation, and these new knowledge will inspire and motivate them to be more engaged and have a better understanding in their work. Every employees would seize it as an opportunity whenever they face challenges (McGregor Harpaz, cited in Rodrigues 2011, p. 881). Therefore, organisation should come out with methods and tools that are able to increase the opportunities and challenges of the employees (Schmitt, Zacher de Lange 2013, p. 516). To support this, employers can provide workshops and trainings for employees to broaden their skills and specializations. This will also open up the employees’ room for professional development. For example, Singapore Workforce Development Agency, WDA encourages employees, professionals, managers and executives to upgrade and build up on their skills through skills-based trainings (Singapore Workforce Development Agency 2012). Opportunities given to employees at work will allow them to learn and gain more skills and knowledge. In addition, this will also boost up their growth and confidence level in their work as they are empowered with multi responsibilities. In the presence of job enrichment, employees are able to deepen their job responsibilities and have control over their work (Dickie Dickie 2 011, p. 71). Job enrichment will benefit the organisation as it will reduce the number of absenteeism, turnover  intentions and social loafing while increase employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment and individual productivity (Davoudi 2013, p. 107). In other words, organisation should encourage and send their employees for skills upgrading to stretch their capabilities. In contrast to Fayol’s understanding that an employee doing one task will increase their efficiency, employee that have more than one skill will benefit the organisation as their knowledge has become greater than before. Another disadvantage to this principle in this 21st century context is the impact of technology whereby machines has taken over some but not all, specialised jobs (Rodrigues 2001, pp. 880-881). Back to the factory example; then people were hired to do manufacturing jobs such as assembling cars. Each worker was given a specific task to assemble a car, but now these tasks are carried out by robots, where they are able to do more than one task (John Markoff 2012). As a result these workers might lose their jobs. Thus this principle, to a certain extent, it may not be relevant today. There are still organisations who practice this principle, but with the fast moving technology and employees who are eager to learn, it might not apply to this day. ? The managers have the power to instruct their employees to perform work that they give. Thus in this principle, managers give their employee rights (authority) and let them be responsible to complete the task (responsibility) that is being delegated to them (Bushardt et al. 2010, p. 9). In this context, it shows that the manager’s role is authoritative, which makes the subordinates have to follow the manager’s instructions (Cheng 2004, p. 91). Managers must stay in mind that they must have a shared understanding with their employees when they assign the task to them (Miles, cited in Evans et al. 2013, p. 24). They must take in consideration not to misuse their authoritative power to the extent that their employees have no choice nor say when their managers delegate the task to them. When the manager and the employee have a common goal, it will open up opportunities for employees to share opinions and make decisions to accomplish the required task. This also allows the managers to understand their employees and get engaged with them. In support of this, managers need to be a good example to their employees so that they will feel inspired and motivated to reach their organisational goals. Hence, managers have to be a transformational leader by moving their team forward to inspire and motivate them (Warrick 2011, p. 12). Whenever someone thinks of a leader, he will associate them with acquiring power, influence and authority (Dickie Dickie 2011, p. 83). One can have power and authority, but only a few are able to influence, inspire and motivate their employees. Fig 1.1 Leader behaviour continuum (Tannenbaum Schmidt, cited in Dickie Dickie 2011, p. 87) The two-dimensional model in fig 1.1 explains that managers’ role of authoritativeness and sub-ordinates empowerment has to be balanced between managers and the employees. Employees are able to participate in the decision making by voicing out their ideas to their managers. Managers can then make a decision based on this shared understanding (Tannenbaum Schmidt 1973). Hence, employees are given the permission to complete the given task which was based on a clear and discussed understanding with the manager. In contrast of Fayol’s perspective, delegation of work to the employees should be tasked responsibly with a shared understanding. Thus, employees will feel that their role in the organisation is worthy and  trusted. References Davoudi, SMM 2013, Impact: Job Enrichment in Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, p. 107, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 21 November 2013. Dickie, L Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 71. Rodrigues, CA 2001, ‘Fayol’s 14 principles of management then and now: A framework for managing today’s organizations effectively’, Management Decision, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 880-889. Schmitt, A, Zacher, H de Lange, AH 2013, ‘Focus on opportunities as a boundary condition of the relationship between job control and work engagement: A multi-sample, multi-method study’, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, vol. 22, no. 5, p. 516, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 17 December 2013. Singapore Workforce Development Agency 2012, About WDA, Singapore Workforce Development Agency, viewed 12 January 2014, . John Markoff 2012, Skilled Wo rk, Without the Worker, New York Times, viewed 12 January 2014, . ? Principle 2: Authority and responsibility Bushardt, SC, Glascoff, DW, Doty, DH, Frank, M Burke, F 2010, ‘Delegation, Authority and Responsibility: A reconfiguration of an old paradigm’, Advances in Management, vol. 3, no. 9, p. 9. Cheng, BS, Chou, LF, Wu, TY, Huang, MP Farh, JL 2004, Paternalistic leadership and subordinate responses: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 91. Dickie, L Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 83. Dickie, L Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 87. Evans, WR, Haden, SSP, Clayton, RW Novicevic, MM 2013, ‘History-of-management thought about social responsibility’, Journal of Management History, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 24. Tannenbaum, R Schmidt, WH 1973, ‘How to choose a leadership pattern’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 51, no. 3, p. 164. Warrick, DD 2011, ‘The urgent need fo r skilled transformational leaders: integrating transformational leadership and organization development’, Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, vol. 8, no. 5, p. 12. ?

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Dickens Social Commentary in Great Expectations Essay -- GCSE English

Dickens' Social Commentary in Great Expectations  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚   Charles Dickens' Great Expectations stands as one of the most highly revered works in all of English literature. The novel's perennial appeal lies in its penetrating depictions of character, rich panoramas of social milieu, and implicit crusades against social evils.1 Dickens used the growth of his characters in Great Expectations, particularly Pip, in relation to others to write about social reform, and most effectively illustrated this by using the first-person narrative style. In Great Expectations, Charles Dickens has written a social commentary using the development of his characters to illustrate his message. In my paper, I will concentrate on three of the main characters, Magwitch, Miss Havisham, Estella, and Joe Gargery. During the time when he lived, Dickens recognized many evils in society. In Great Expectations he focused on the problem of the whole idea of a class in society. It was a social commentary on society. His way to illustrate the solution to the problem of class in society was "to create characters who can get beyond the limitations and divisions of class identifications and see themselves as responsible humans."2 The people who read Dickens' works were often the kinds of people he was attacking. Dickens lived during the Victorian age which was known as the age of social criticism. Great Expectations was Dickens first attack on class in society.3 Dickens did not come right out and preach about social reform in his novels. He uses his rich characters to illustrate the values and morals he is trying to get across. Great Expectations is a novel of social criticism. In Dickens' opinion the two main social evils were selfishness an... ...ornback, 22. 3. Hornback, 4-5. 4. Hornback, 27-28. 5. Charles Dickens, Great Expectations (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1942), 3. 6. Dickens, 395. 7. Dickens, 68. 8. Dickens, 71 . 9. Dickens, 72. 10. Dickens, 72. 11. Dickens, 598. 12. Dickens, 57. 13. Hornback, 25-26. 14. Hornback, 60.          Works Cited Chesterton, G.K. Charles Dickens: A Critical Study. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1906. Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1942. Hornback, Bert G. Great Expectations: A Novel of Friendship. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1987. Pearson, Hesketh. Dickens, His Character, Comedy, and Career. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers, 1949. Priestley, J.B. Charles Dickens and His World. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1961.   

Monday, January 13, 2020

Mba in Operation Management

NOTE 1: A candidate with a  MBA in Operation Management  would be able to look after a factory or other operations of the factory in a   better manner as compared to others due to their competency and knowledge regarding handling the operations of an   organization. Depending on the type of organization, one might be responsible for a few activities / regions in the initial   stages and consequently growing up to handling broader areas. This career involves handling a few plants/ vendors initially,   followed by the responsibility for an entire factory and eventually undertake a more strategic view like global sourcing /   alternate materials / imports etc. Operations managers pursue careers in service organizations involved in activities such as banking, transportation, insurance, and government, as well as manufacturing firms involved in producing industrial and consumer products. Typical careers in operations management involve activities such as forecasting, supervision, purchasing, inventory planning and control, operations scheduling and control, process methods and planning, quality management, warehouse management, and production planning in diverse industries such as banking, manufacturing, and retailing. Career opportunities in operations management can also involve work in management consulting firms or the development of computer systems for planning and scheduling. NOTE 2: Operations Management  is a comprehensive production-related responsibility that includes Inventory Management, Vendor Development, and Purchase Management. It also includes areas that demand multi-disciplinary skills like SCM (Supply Chain Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). An MBA in Operations Management teaches students to manage the processes that lead to successful production and distribution of product(s) in any business organization. Students will learn to oversee manufacturing – product creation, development, production – and its distribution to sales outlets. An MBA Programme in Operations & Supply Chain Management is designed to expand your knowledge of operational efficiencies and effectiveness, while satisfying customer requirements as skillfully as possible from the point-of-origin to the point-of-consumption. A candidate with an MBA in Operations Management would be able to look after a factory or other operations of the factory in a better manner as compared to others due to their competency and knowledge regarding handling the operations of an organization. Manufacturing is one of the most important areas for any product-based business. Management of large as well as small manufacturing companies involves various production and operational techniques and theories. These skills are especially useful for engineering graduates. The career options in the field of Operations Management are: – * Quality Control * Material Management * Productivity Improvement * Inventory Control * Production Planning Supply Chain Management * Logistics The focus of Operations Specialists is not engineering problems, but managerial implications of engineering problems. The specific skills required are behavioural, technical, and statistical. These techniques are largely applied to manufacturing organizations. There are a few consultancies that work with such organizations in this functional area, thereby offering attractive career opportunities to MBAs. In Pharma, you can have the following career options: – * Pharmaceutical Inventory Management * Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Management * Pharmaceutical Quality Control * Total Quality Control * Inventory Management * Statistical Process Control * ISO 9000 Series Quality System Standard Note 3: http://sawaal. ibibo. com/jobs-and-careers/after-doing-mba-operations-what-type-jobs-one-find-manufacturing-industries-518541. html Note 4:

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Important School Tips for Parents From a Principal

For teachers, parents can be your worst enemy or your best friend.  Over the course of the last decade, I have worked with a handful of the most difficult parents, as well as many of the best parents. I believe that the majority of parents do a terrific job and genuinely try their best. The truth is that being a parent is not easy. We make mistakes, and there is no way we can be good at everything. Sometimes as a parent it is critical to rely on and seek advice from experts in certain areas. As a principal, I would like to offer a few school tips for parents that I believe every educator would want them to know, and that will also benefit their children. 1. Be Supportive Any teacher will tell you that if a child’s parent is supportive that they will gladly work through any issues that might arise over the course of the school year. Teachers are human, and there is a chance they will make a mistake. However, despite perception, most teachers are dedicated professionals who do a terrific job day in and day out. It is unrealistic to think that there are not bad teachers out there, but most are exceptionally skilled at what they do. If your child does have a lousy teacher, please don’t judge the next teacher based on the previous, and voice your concerns about that teacher to the principal. If your child has an excellent teacher, then make sure that the teacher knows how you feel about them and also let the principal know. Voice your support not only of the teacher but of the school as a whole. 2. Be Involved and Stay Involved One of the most frustrating trends in schools is how the level of parental involvement decreases as a child’s age increases. It is an extremely discouraging fact because children of all ages would benefit if their parents would stay involved. While it is certain that the first few years of school are arguably the most important, the other years are important as well. Children are smart and intuitive. When they see their parents taking a step back in their involvement, it sends the wrong message. Most children will start to slack off too. It is a sad reality that many middle school and high school parent/teacher conferences have an exceedingly small turnout. The ones who do show up are the ones that teachers often say don’t need to, but the correlation to their child’s success and their continued involvement in their child’s education is no mistake. Every parent should know what is going on in their child’s daily school life. A parent should do the following things every day: Ask your child how their school day went. Engage in conversation about what they learned, whom their friends are, what they had for lunch, etc.Make sure your child has time set aside to complete homework. Be there to answer any questions or assist when needed.Read all notes/memos sent home from the school and/or teacher. Notes are the primary form of communications between a teacher and parents. Look for them and read them to stay up-to-date on events.Contact your child’s teacher immediately if you have any concerns.Value your child’s education and express the importance of it every single day. This is arguably the single most valuable thing a parent can do when it comes to their child’s education. Those that value education often thrives and those that don’t often fail. 3. Do Not Bad-Mouth the Teacher in Front of Your Child Nothing undermines the authority of a teacher any faster than when a parent continuously bashes them or talks bad about them in front of their child. There are times when you are going to be upset with a teacher, but your child should never know exactly how you feel. It will interfere with their education. If you vocally and adamantly disrespect the teacher, then your child will likely mirror you. Keep your personal feelings about the teacher between yourself, the school administration, and the teacher. 4. Follow Through As an administrator, I cannot tell you how many times I have dealt with a student discipline issue where the parent will come in tremendously supportive and apologetic about their child’s behavior. They often tell you that they are going to ground their child and discipline them at home on top of the school’s punishment. However, when you inquire with the student the next day, they tell you that nothing was done. Children need structure and discipline and most crave it on some level. If your child makes a mistake, then there should be consequences at school and at home. This will show the child that both the parent and school are on the same page and that they are not going to be allowed to get away with that behavior. However, if you do not have any intent on following through on your end, then do not promise to take care of it at home. When you practice this behavior, it sends an underlying message that the child can make a mistake, but in the end, there is not going to be a punishment. Follow through with your threats. 5. Do Not Take Your Child’s Word for the Truth If your child came home from school and told you that their teacher threw a box of Kleenexes at them, how would you handle it? Would you instantly assume that they are telling the truth?Would you call or meet the principal and demand that the teacher be removed?Would you aggressively approach the teacher and make accusations?Would you call and request a meeting with the teacher to ask them calmly if they could explain what happened? If you are a parent who chooses anything other than 4, then your choice is the worst kind of a slap in the face to an educator. Parents who take their child’s word over an adult before consulting with the adult challenge their authority. While it is entirely possible that the child is telling the truth, the teacher should be given the right to explain their side without being viciously attacked first. Too many times, children leave out crucial facts, when explaining situations like this to their parent. Children are often devious by nature, and if there is a chance they can get their teacher in trouble, then they will go for it. Parents and teachers who stay on the same page and work together alleviate this opportunity for assumptions and misconceptions because the child knows they won’t get away with it. 6. Do Not Make Excuses for Your Child Help us hold your child accountable. If your child makes a mistake, don’t bail them out by constantly making excuses for them. From time to time, there are legitimate excuses, but if you are constantly making excuses for your child, then you are not doing them any favors. You won’t be able to make excuses for them their whole life, so don’t let them get into that habit. If they didn’t do their homework, don’t call the teacher and say it was your fault because you took them to a ball game. If they get in trouble for hitting another student, don’t make the excuse that they learned that behavior from an older sibling. Stand firm with the school and teach them a life lesson that could prevent them from making bigger mistakes later on.